About Us

Custom Databanks, Inc.

Custom Databanks, Inc. has been publishing databases for use on personal computers since 1987. Custom Databanks was the first company to offer recruiter data ready for use on PC diskettes. Our Executive Search System™, available since 1987, contains the names and addresses for 16,000+ top US and Canadian search firms and 38,000+ recruiters. We also offer the Venture/PE Search System™ with data on 2,600+ top US and Canadian venture, private equity and investment firms and 9,600+ investment professionals.

We publish a series of Directories selected from our Search System™ databases. Look for these Directories of recruiters and venture capital/PE firms on Amazon.com and www.BarnesandNoble.com. Download a free sample to your Kindle or Nook App to see information you can use in your job hunt.

We provide a significant pool of talent to those recruiting firms in our database and our data are widely used by job hunters and career professionals. In addition to many internet sites and resume writers, most of the major professional outplacement companies (Lee Hecht Harrison, Career Partners International . . .) and University career offices (Harvard, Stanford, Columbia . . .) use Custom Databanks’ data through others or our own online database system.

Custom Databanks’ data are available for download by the record on the internet and through resume writers, career coaches and data suppliers. The databases are updated continuously, our online database system is updated weekly, and our Directories are updated annually. The information Custom Databanks, Inc. provides is the most up-to-date and accurate available anywhere.

In addition to its recruiter and venture capital/PE databases, Custom Databanks has designed systems for a variety of research institutions and businesses. These systems include a registry of the Memorial Sloan Kettering experience with bone tumors since 1910, a system used in the research of cerebral palsy patients at Cornell Medical College, and a software system to control IT projects for a major multinational bank, among others.

Jane Lockshin

Jane Lockshin is president and founder of Custom Databanks, Inc. Ms. Lockshin is a recognized expert in management analysis and forecasting. She has spoken before the Conference Board’s Marketing Conference, the New York Society of Security Analysts’ conferences on the “Use of Computers in Forecasting”, the National Newspaper Publishers’ Association, the New School for Social Research conference on Forecasting Economic Prospects, and the Association for Women in Computing on “Interpreting User Requirements”. Ms. Lockshin has conducted courses on the use of personal computers for the Financial Women’s Association. She is the co-author, with Robert J. Eggert, of “Forecasting the Automobile Market” in the book ‘Methods and Techniques of Business Forecasting’.

Prior to founding Custom Databanks in 1982, Ms. Lockshin was Vice President, Business Development for the Muzak division of Westinghouse. She had operating responsibility for new products at Muzak and implemented Muzak’s entrance into the specialty music business, the company’s first new music product in fifty years. In addition, Ms. Lockshin spearheaded the use of personal computers at Muzak.

Formally, Ms. Lockshin was Director, Business Analysis at the Singer Company and Director, Financial Analysis at RCA Corporation. While at Singer and RCA, she constructed computer forecasting systems for over forty different products and services sold to consumers and business in the U.S. and abroad.

Earlier, as Associate Economist at Citibank, she developed a computer time-sharing package for statistical analysis, forecasting and graphics. This system was kept in use by Citibank for more than 20 years.

Ms. Lockshin is a member of the New York YWCA’s Academy of Women Leaders. She serves as Treasurer of the Henry Street Settlement and has served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Packer Collegiate Institute, a pre-K through 12 independent school. She has served on the boards of the Financial Women’s Association of New York, and the National Association of Business Economists She holds a BA in mathematics, with distinction, from Barnard College and an MS in mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University.